Swim Center - Locker Room Changing Area & Showers Closed

On February 17, the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health issued newly updated Protocols for Reopening of Public Swimming Pools. In accordance with these protocols which the Swim Center uses to guide its safe operation at this time, the use of showers and changing rooms is not permitted. Please note that beginning Friday, February 19, the indoor showers and the changing rooms at the Swim Center will be closed until the protocols are changed by the Department of Public Health. Please plan accordingly when coming to swim at the Swim Center. There will not be indoor facilities available to shower or change clothes before or after you swim. The outdoor showers on the Splash Pool deck will remain open at this time. If you choose to rinse off in these showers, please limit your time doing so as there may be others waiting.


The restroom areas will remain available at the current capacity. If there is not a stall open when you go to the restroom, please wait outside, allowing an appropriate amount of space to ensure physical distancing when others are entering or exiting.


              Please remember to use a mask at all times in the facility when you are not in the water.


You can review the Protocols for Reopening of Public Swimming Pools at the link below. Thank you for swimming at the Santa Monica Swim Center. Your patience with and compliance to these safety precautions and protocols is very much appreciated.

