Swim Center Closed for the Winter Starting Monday 12/16/19 and reopens Saturday 01/04/20

The Santa Monica Swim Center will close for the Winter beginning Monday, December 16, 2019 and will re-open Saturday, January 4, 2020. During the Winter Closure we will work on repairs and maintenance around the facility.

Here are the details of the repairs and maintenance that will be completed during that time: 

The Chemical and Pump Room

Perform annual maintenance on boilers which includes cleaning out burners through HVAC city personnel.

Remove and replace a large boiler with heat exchanger to the Splash Pool.

Feed new wires through the Managers Office and core drill through the bathroom wall to replace electrical wires that provide power to both public locker rooms.

Electricians to inspect/change out outlets, covers, and light fixtures in public locker rooms.

Preventative maintenance on all pool pumps and equipment. This involves thorough inspection of all pumps, boilers and filters and replacing valves, gaskets where needed and completing repairs.  

Pool Deck, Sun Deck and Locker Rooms 

Hydro Jet all deck drains to clean them out and remove debris that is blocking some of the deck drains. 

Replace broken tile around each pool. There are several that we have had to temporarily fix throughout the year to eliminate sharp edges.

Access and power wash the gutter system on the Sun Deck and Splash Pool. The gutters are located outside the Men Staff Locker Room and the Sun Deck trimming of the awning.

Have electricians continue to change out the office and locker room lights around the facility to LEDs.

Have the front entrance walkway of the Swim Center concrete redone. From the turnaround drop off area to the chemical room to repair deteriorating concrete (Huge Project).


Thank you for your understanding the need to complete these repairs. This is a major contributing factor in keeping the facility in top notch condition!